This section provides information to help players learn the strategic and tactical the nuances of Baptism at Bull Run.
Sample Games
Two sample games for Baptism at Bull Run are presented below. One game highlights a Union victory, while the other a Confederate victory. Both games were played during the latter stages of playtesting—that is, using the final published rules—and were started almost concurrently.
A note about the names of these games: NION and MUIN. During playtesting each game was assigned a "codename". Specifically, each game was assigned a letter from an ancient alphabet. We started with the Greek alphabet, with games named: ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA, etc. The alphabet used during the late stages of playtesting was the Ogham (or Old Irish) alphabet, from which NION and MUIN were taken.
With that in mind, the two sample games are present below:
Article Submissions
Players are invited to submit Baptism at Bull Run-related articles for inclusion here. Any party interested in submitting an article should send an e-mail message to:
Last Updated: 2009-01-18 18:45 EST
For questions and/or feedback, please send e-mail to: (Click the hyperlink to reveal the e-mail address.)
Further discussion about Baptism at Bull Run can be found at either of these game hobbyist websites: BoardGameGeek ConsimWorld